Images References :

Art history citation style refers to the specific format for documenting sources and references in academic writing within the field of art history. This style is used to provide proper attribution to the authors, artists, and other individuals whose work is being cited, and to ensure that readers can easily locate and verify the sources of information.

Art history citation style is based on the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS), which is a widely accepted style guide in the humanities and social sciences. However, there are some specific variations and adaptations that are used specifically for art history. These variations are intended to accommodate the unique characteristics of art historical research, such as the use of visual images and the need to cite works of art.

The following paragraphs will provide a detailed explanation of the elements of art history citation style, including the format for citing books, articles, exhibition catalogs, and other sources. Additionally, guidelines for citing images and for formatting references in a bibliography will be discussed.

art history citation style

Structured and specific format.

  • Cites sources accurately.
  • Provides proper attribution.

Ensures readers can locate sources.

Cites sources accurately.

One of the most important aspects of art history citation style is that it allows sources to be cited accurately. This means that all information that is taken from a source is properly attributed to that source, and that the source can be easily located and verified by readers.

There are a number of elements that are included in a citation, depending on the type of source being cited. For example, a citation for a book will typically include the author’s name, the title of the book, the publisher, the year of publication, and the page numbers of the material being cited. A citation for an article will typically include the author’s name, the title of the article, the name of the journal or publication in which the article appears, the volume and issue number of the journal, the date of publication, and the page numbers of the article.

In addition to the basic elements of a citation, art history citation style also includes a number of specific guidelines for citing images. For example, when citing an image from a book or journal, the citation should include the artist’s name, the title of the image, the date the image was created, the medium of the image, and the page number or figure number where the image appears. When citing an image from a website, the citation should include the artist’s name, the title of the image, the date the image was created, the medium of the image, and the URL of the website where the image is located.

By following the guidelines of art history citation style, researchers can ensure that they are citing their sources accurately and that readers can easily locate and verify the sources of information.

Accurate citation is essential for academic integrity and for ensuring that readers can trust the information that is being presented.

Provides proper attribution.

Another important aspect of art history citation style is that it provides proper attribution to the authors, artists, and other individuals whose work is being cited. This means that the citation clearly indicates the source of the information being presented, and that the reader can easily identify the author or artist who created the work.

  • Accurate citation.

    As discussed in the previous section, accurate citation is essential for providing proper attribution. When a source is cited accurately, the reader can be confident that the information is coming from a credible source.

  • Complete citation.

    In addition to being accurate, a citation should also be complete. This means that it should include all of the necessary information to allow the reader to locate and verify the source. For example, a citation for a book should include the author’s name, the title of the book, the publisher, the year of publication, and the page numbers of the material being cited.

  • Clear and concise citation.

    Citations should be clear and concise, and they should be easy for the reader to understand. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to the reader. The citation should be formatted in a consistent manner throughout the paper.

  • Avoid plagiarism.

    Plagiarism is the act of taking someone else’s work and presenting it as your own. Proper attribution helps to avoid plagiarism by clearly indicating the source of the information being presented.

By providing proper attribution, art history citation style helps to ensure that the authors, artists, and other individuals whose work is being cited receive the credit they deserve, and that readers can trust the information that is being presented.


The following are some frequently asked questions about art history citation style:

Question 1: What is the purpose of art history citation style?
Answer 1: Art history citation style is a system for documenting sources and references in academic writing within the field of art history. It provides proper attribution to the authors, artists, and other individuals whose work is being cited, and ensures that readers can easily locate and verify the sources of information.

Question 2: What are the basic elements of a citation?
Answer 2: The basic elements of a citation include the author’s name, the title of the work, the publisher, the year of publication, and the page numbers of the material being cited.

Question 3: How do I cite a book in art history citation style?
Answer 3: To cite a book in art history citation style, include the author’s name, the title of the book, the publisher, the year of publication, and the page numbers of the material being cited. For example:

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book. Publisher.

Question 4: How do I cite an article in art history citation style?
Answer 4: To cite an article in art history citation style, include the author’s name, the title of the article, the name of the journal or publication in which the article appears, the volume and issue number of the journal, the date of publication, and the page numbers of the article. For example:

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Journal or Publication Name, Volume(Issue), Page numbers.

Question 5: How do I cite an image in art history citation style?
Answer 5: To cite an image in art history citation style, include the artist’s name, the title of the image, the date the image was created, the medium of the image, and the page number or figure number where the image appears. For example:

Artist, A. A. (Year). Title of image. Medium. Page number or figure number.

Question 6: How do I format a bibliography in art history citation style?
Answer 6: A bibliography in art history citation style is a list of all of the sources that were cited in the paper. The bibliography should be arranged alphabetically by author’s last name. Each entry in the bibliography should include the same information as the corresponding citation in the paper.

Question 7: Where can I find more information about art history citation style?
Answer 7: There are a number of resources available that provide more information about art history citation style. Some helpful resources include the Chicago Manual of Style, the Art History Research Guide, and the MLA Handbook.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ

These are just a few of the most frequently asked questions about art history citation style. For more information, please consult the resources listed above or speak to your instructor.

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are a few tips for using art history citation style:


Here are a few practical tips for using art history citation style:

Tip 1: Use a citation manager.

A citation manager is a software program that can help you keep track of your sources and generate citations in the correct format. There are a number of different citation managers available, both free and paid. Some popular citation managers include Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote.

Tip 2: Be consistent.

It is important to be consistent in your use of art history citation style. This means using the same format for all of your citations, and following the same guidelines for formatting your bibliography. This will make your paper look more professional and will make it easier for readers to find the sources that you have cited.

Tip 3: Be accurate.

It is also important to be accurate in your citations. This means checking the spelling of authors’ names, the titles of works, and the publication dates. It also means making sure that you are citing the correct page numbers or figure numbers. Inaccurate citations can be misleading to readers and can make it difficult for them to find the sources that you have cited.

Tip 4: Be clear and concise.

Your citations should be clear and concise. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to your readers. The citation should be formatted in a way that is easy to read and understand. You should also avoid using unnecessary words or phrases.

Closing Paragraph for Tips

By following these tips, you can ensure that your citations are accurate, consistent, and clear. This will make your paper look more professional and will make it easier for readers to find the sources that you have cited.

In conclusion, art history citation style is an important tool for researchers and writers in the field of art history. By following the guidelines of art history citation style, researchers can ensure that they are citing their sources accurately and that readers can easily locate and verify the sources of information.


Art history citation style is a system for documenting sources and references in academic writing within the field of art history. It provides proper attribution to the authors, artists, and other individuals whose work is being cited, and ensures that readers can easily locate and verify the sources of information.

The main points of art history citation style include:

  • Accuracy: Citations should be accurate and complete, including all of the necessary information to allow the reader to locate and verify the source.
  • Consistency: Citations should be consistent in format throughout the paper, following the same guidelines for punctuation, spacing, and capitalization.
  • Clarity: Citations should be clear and concise, avoiding jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to the reader.
  • Attribution: Citations should provide proper attribution to the authors, artists, and other individuals whose work is being cited, giving credit where credit is due.

By following the guidelines of art history citation style, researchers and writers can ensure that their work is properly documented and that readers can easily find and verify the sources of information that have been used.

Closing Message

Art history citation style is an essential tool for researchers and writers in the field of art history. By using art history citation style correctly, researchers can ensure that their work is accurate, consistent, clear, and properly attributed. This will make their work more credible and will make it easier for readers to understand and appreciate their research.

Art History Citation Style